Create New Import

{^{if !registersImports}}
To download the latest RPT def files to extract data from SIMS, click the ‘Downloads’ button and select the relevant RptDef file.
To create your import please click the ‘Select CSV import file’ below to locate the file on your computer/network that you wish to import.

Once you have located the file to import click the “Queue import’ button below.

Once the file has been added to the import queue it will be checked, imported and we will notify you by email of its progress. Please note; Only one import request can be in the queue at a time.

{^{if !registersImports}}

Imported files can be seen under the Imports/Imports menu section of ParentMail.


Imported files can be seen under the register you imported for, then actions button and the imports option.


Import in progress

{^{if !admin}}

An import is already in progress, view the status below.


An import is already in progress:

This import is currently queued and waiting to be generated.